Dharshan Shastra is the ancient knowledge of the philosophy of life, and has been passed from generation to generation as the right way of life. Consisting of 5 aspects, namely, Vastushastra, Yogashastra, Jyotishshastra, Ayurveda, and Sangeet, Dharshan Shastra is the prime science of people and their interactions, as per the No. 1 astrologer in India. These are all holistic branches of science in their own ways. With Vastu Shastra and Jyotish Shastra (Astrology) being concerned with the energies of a person, they are the most connected.
Any one of you who has across these terms before would surely be thinking about how they are even connected to each other. Apart from being highly personal to each and every person, both Vastu Shastra and Astrology work towards creating a favourable space for a person to grow and thrive. They are concerned with the creation of a person through his/her energies. This article discusses this connection in detail.
Connection Between Astrology and Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra is the balance of the 5 elements of nature (Panchtatva), namely Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Space. The harmony between the energies of these elements brings positive bioelectric energy as a result, according to the best Vastu consultant in Delhi. This is the reason why a good Vastu brings good health, great wealth, and unmatched prosperity. This is also the reason why some directions are always planned with heavy stuff in them as they do a great job in blocking negative energy.
Astrology, on the other hand, is the science of studying the planetary positions as they were on the day of your birth. Their energies helped in your creation at the time of your birth, and will continue to guide you as you move along your life. The combination of astrology with Vastu gives the combined effort of Astro-Vastu to create that favourable personal space to a person where they can grow and have a prosperous life.
The Relationship Of Directions With Planets and Deities
The combined effort of Vastu and Astrology assigns a planet and a ruling lord to each direction. What this does is that it combines this information with the personal horoscope of a person to provide personalised and effective remedies to all the problems of a person.
Now according to Astro Vastu, each direction has its planet related to it in the following manner:
Sun: East
Moon: North-West
Mercury: North
Jupiter: North-East
Venus: South-East
Mars: South
Saturn: West
Rahu-Ketu: South-West
Also, according to Astro Vastu, all of these directions also have a presiding deity in a manner like this:
North: Kuber
North-East: Shiva
East: Indra
South-East: Agni
South: Yama
South-West: Nairuti
West: Varun
North-West: Vayu
In this manner, not only do we plan what element would rule what direction, we also plan our homes according to this information. Both astrology and Vastu put their trust in the belief that everything, from us to the universe, it is all connected. Strengthening that connection and tap into the energies of the universe is the main course of action when it comes to the study and application of Astro-Vastu.
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